Some of the content included here may seem a bit basic and redundant, but performing tasks on this list may keep questions from arising.
1. Make sure the computer and peripheral equipment are plugged in. (For reasons of safety, the computer should be plugged into a surge-protecting power strip). Make sure the toggle switch on the power strip is switched to the on position.
2. Press the button on the front of the computer tower. This button is usually oval in shape. If faced with several buttons, this is the one that is not next to any particular slot or door, and usually denoted by a circle, partially bisected with a verticle line.
The computer will go through a series of screens and noises. Once the desktop screen appears, you are ready to go.
There is no picture on the screen after the noises have stopped If there is no picture on the monitor, the monitor may be turned off. Press the button on the monitor (usally denoted by a circle partially bisected with a veritcal line).
"Non-system disk or disk error" message If this message appears on your screen (shortly after turning the computer on) check the floppy and zip drives. If a disk appears in either drive, release it be pressing the button next to that drive. The computer may ask you to "strike any key" after you have released the disk. Strike any key on the keyboard, and computer should continue to boot up.
1. Close all windows (by clicking the "X" that appears at the upper right-hand corner of each window screen.
To close windows that have been minimized and now appear at the bottom of the monitor screen: Right click on the window box, and left click on "X Close".
2. Move the curser to Start (in the lower left corner of the screen) and single left click.
3. Move the curser to "Shut Down"and click.
3. The "Shut Down Windows" box will appear on your computer screen. Select "Shut down" then "OK".
The computer should shut down.
NOTE: If using Norton Anti-Virus programs, the computer will notify you if there is a disk left in one of your drives and will instruct you to remove the disk before attempting to shut down the program. Remove the disk, by pushing the button next to the slot, and click on "OK" on the computer screen. Complete the shut down process by following steps detailed above.