1. After opening the MSN email program (as described in another tutorial) click on the "Compose" tab. A new blank page will open. After entering information on each line, use the "Tab" key on your keyboard to move between the lines. You may also set your cursor over each space and left-click to move the insertion point to that space.
2. Enter the email address of the recipient. You may wish to enter names that you email most often on the "Quick Address List." To do this, click on the highlighted "Quick Address List" button to the right of the address line. Instructions for adding names to this list are located on the Web site. Since this list is limited to five individuals (or groups) you may wish to create a "Contacts" list instead. Click on the "Contacts" tab located next to the "Compose" tab for instructions.
3. To send a copy of the email to another party, add another email address on the "Cc" line. To send to another party without your addressee seeing the name or email address, add the email address in the "Bcc" (blind copy) line.
4. Always enter a brief description of the email in the "Subject" line.
5. Tab to or click in the large space and compose your email message.
6. When you have finished your message, click on the "Tools" box. A drop-down menu will open. Click on "Spell Check." If errors are found, correct them using the samples given to you, or re-typing the word yourself. Click "change" and the word will be replaced. When the spell-checking program is finished, your original letter will re-appear.
7. Click on the "Send" button located just above the body of your email.
1. After opening the email program, click on "New" near the upper-left corner of the screen. A new email page will open.
2. Enter the email address on the "To" line. If you wish to send a copy to another person, click on the "Tab" key on your keyboard, or click on the "Cc" space and enter another email address.
3. Click on, or tab to the body of the letter and enter your information.
5. To send the email, click on "Send" (illustrated with an envelope icon) located just above the "To" box near the top of the email.
The spell check program will automatically scan your letter, if it is engaged. Perform the corrections suggested. When all corrections have been made the program will send your email message. If the spell-checking program is not engaged, click the "F7" button on your keyboard or go to the Tools menu, and click on Spelling. Click "Send" after checking your message.
1. After opening the email program, click on the "Compose" button just above the "Welcome!" message near the left side of the page. The "Compose" window will open.
2. Enter the email address on the "To" line, and tab to or click on the next line.
You may also insert a previously stored address from your address book. Click on the "Insert addresses" link just above the "To" line. Instructions for adding names to the address book are located on the Web site.
3. To send a copy of the email to another party, add another email address on the "Cc" line. To send to another party without your addressee seeing the name or email address, enter the information in the "Bcc" (blind copy) line.
4. Enter a brief description of the email on the subject line. Click on or tab to the space below and enter your email message.
5. Before sending the message, click on the "Spell check" button located just above the "To" box. When the spell-checking program has finished, your letter will re-appear. Click on the "Send" button located just under the "Compose" window.