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Psychology230 ~~ Fundamentals of Human Sexuality

I would like to make the following acknowledgements:

Much of this lesson (and the accompanying quiz) is from "Our Sexuality," Instructor's text 8th edition, by Robert Crooks and Karla Baur, (Wadsworth, 2002) 0-534-57994-9.

Study Guide, 8th edition, Zimmerman, (Wadsworth, 2002) 0-534-57979-5.
Instructor's Manual, 8th edition, Clements, (Wadsworth, 2002), 0-534-57984-1.
Research and Activity Guide, 8th edition, Douglass, (Wadsworth, 2002), 0-534-57995-7.
ExamView and ExamView Pro for Crooks & Bauer, 8th edition (Wadsworth, 2002), 0-531-57982-5.
Transparency Acetates, 8th edition, (Wadsworth, 2002), 0-534-57983-3.
Test Bank, 8th edition, Black, (Wadsworth, 2002), 0-534-57986-8.

Curriculum included on these pages is a product of the College of the Canyons (Santa Clarita Community College System) Curriculum Committee.

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